28 September 2012


I'm planning to start blogging once a week to at least post somewhat regularly. So until I figure out a subject schedule...and upload some photos... this will be short and sweet.

I'm enjoying reading Tammy Strobel's book, You Can Buy Happiness (and it's cheap). What makes this different from books about the minimalist lifestyle to me, is her personal story and experiences + "In this book Strobel combines research on well-being with numerous real-world examples to offer practical inspiration." (quoted from the back cover). I find this book highly motivating. I'm already tightening my budget and going to purge more stuff.

This week there were three days where beautiful bright pink, dark purple, and a couple 'heavenly blue' Morning Glories all opened! We grew them all from seed and we have them trellised in a few different places.They are all pretty small but it's so enjoyable to see them at least flower now.

At a work lunch this week, I had a delightful conversation with our vendor and learned he is also an artist in LA. Now I want to paint something this weekend.

 "The art of art, the glory of expression and the sunshine of the light of letters, is simplicity." ~Walt Whitman

1 comment:

Galina said...

oh, new name for the blog?!
how did you decide on the name?

I can't wait till you come up with topic ideas, schedule!

now I'm off to check the book you mentioned :)