01 November 2012

November is a good place to start

My sister's carved pumpkins
In addition to NANOWRIMO, November also has a NABLOPOMO. I'm not sure if I want to sign up officially yet, but they have daily prompt you can use if you choose. 
Today's prompt: Tell us your favorite quotation and why?

I heart quotes. It's so hard for me to even pick just one; however, today I choose this: 

 "Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."            ~ Pablo Picasso

To engage in your art medium is like an elixir to the day spent in an office. As I wrote earlier about spending some time in the evenings on something creative, art helps me to get out of my 'thinking' mind as I play with colors or collage images. This quote just affirms it all.

1 comment:

Galina said...

hey me too!!!
I was very riven to try NaNoWriMo... but I don't have a drive and/or interest to write a novel. So I decided to try blogging every day. Maybe only for a draft, not necessarily publish it.. but I am committed to write every day for blog