08 May 2009


First of all, it's kind of surreal that we are actually going to buy a house. It was never something I thought about because I never imagined I could afford to buy a house in California. Now it is very possible and makes perfect sense.

It will become even more tangible as we visit properties with our Agent.

I really like what Gypsy Girl Alex is sharing on her blog. She made a career leap into Photography and shares different aspects of pursuing your passion(s). She created this little haven where I often find refreshment and inspiration. http://www.gypsygirlsguide.com/

I recently discovered the Dreaming Cafe where Sandy writes on a variety of topics. Her site is about the creative journey to self-discovery and following your dreams. You will find support, information, and inspiration. I already love the book suggestions! http://thedreamingcafe.com/

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