11 August 2011


(My Early Girl Tomato Plant)
Time flies and I'm still trying to figure out what sort of focus I want to give this blog.
Maybe I'll do do my daily writing prompts practice that I got from the ever-inspiring Cynthia.

Maybe I'll write posts and poems about our garden. This has been our first year growing veggies & flowers in our backyard and that has been fun & rewarding. This summer we've harvested zucchini and plums so far.

Maybe I'll share what I'm learning in Martial Arts and how being a beginner is humbling, fun and challenging. I plan to get back to learning languages again very soon too.

Maybe I'll share about good books I read and other interesting or inspiring goodies. Maybe I'll declare new dreams or plans or discoveries. I do want to make this a positive space because I have a tendency to find the negative way too easily. So I want to think and write about all the good things I usually overlook in a mundane sort of day. That is a definite maybe.

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